
Intermalla S.L

Passeig de Gracia, 96 2º Barcelona 08008 Spain




In compliance with Organic Law 3/2018 LOPD-GDD, we inform you that your personal data and other information provided through the registration form, as well as that from the transactions carried out, will be included and kept in a file for your treatment, owned by Intermalla S.L., as long as its cancellation is not requested. The treatment will be used for the development and execution of the sale, the personalized attention of the products and services that you acquire and the improvement of said attention, as well as the promotion of own products and services and those of third-party companies linked to Intermalla S.L. Likewise, you are informed that your data will be made available to the associated companies for the indicated purposes. Intermalla S.L. will treat these data with the utmost confidentiality, being the sole and exclusive recipient thereof, and not making assignments or communications to third parties outside of those indicated by current regulations. The user expressly authorizes Intermalla S.L. the referral, even through electronic means, by Intermalla S.L. and of the aforementioned entities, of commercial communications and promotional offers and contests. The user may at any time exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of their data and those of limitation and opposition to the treatment, by contacting Intermalla S.L. or by email to, attaching a copy of your N.I.F. or substitute document.